Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mother's Day Cards

Overview: This craft was done in a special education classroom with students ranging from first to third grade. Personally, I think it is a cute idea for all elementary students. It is a great keep sake and memory holder from the little ones on Mother's Day. 

  1. A half a sheet of thick construction paper
  2. A sheet of white paper
  3. Paint
  4. Stickers/ Stick on mini foam flowers
  5. Glue
  6. Shape scissors
  7. A black sharpie
  1. Trace and cut out the students hand.
  2. Paint the "hair"(fingers) the color of the student's mother's hair. 
  3. Paint the eyes and lips on.
  4. After the hand dries a little bit, glue it on the construction paper.
  5. Add the eye lashes onto the eyes with the sharpie.
  6. Stick a foam sticker on one of the fingers.
  7. Stick a couple of stickers around the card.
  8. Cut the edges with the designer scissors. 
  9. Write "Happy Mother's Day" along with the date.
  10. Have the students sign their names. 

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